Professional Art Therapist Brenda Werner is available to provide Art Therapy services to individuals or groups. Art therapy helps people to cope with normal life issues, such as, work stress, as well as mild to severe stressors like: divorce, illness, or death. Brenda is able to provide Art Therapy sessions in the home or within any type of facility.

  Art Therapy can be used to: 

  • Increase Self-Awareness and Self-Esteem

  • Sublimate Distressing or Destructive Emotions into a Positive Outlet 

  • Facilitate Self-Expression and Self Exploration

  • Heal Psychological Conflicts and Painful Memories

  • Expand Personal Potential


This list is not all inclusive, so contact Art Therapist Brenda Werner to set up an appointment or if you have questions. 

"The Date" 

When the woman was betrayed by her fiancé she began to make a picture out of the flowers she’d once received from him. She didn’t have a final imagine in mind when she began the process; but, by expressing herself in art therapy she was able to move past the negative experience.

Using Art Therapy, Brenda Werner assists her clients to illicit the natural coping mechanism Sublimation,  which means to transform negative emotional experiences into positive outcomes. (as seen in the art examples below) 

“Destination Heaven”

 At an early age I had adopted the belief that if someone commits suicide they will not go to heaven. This thought tortured me as much as the act of the suicide itself. Over time as I created the painting Destination Heaven, I became free of the painful conflict. I was relieved that my father’s destination was Heaven after all.

View Brenda's credentials: 

Degree & Resume

History of Art Therapy